Every video project starts with a phone call or intake form. This allows us to understand YOUR vision and how we can best collaborate to achieve your goals.
Other items needed:
- Project length
- Style
- Audience
- Delivery Date
- Budget (if available)
Our Corporate Videographers In Baltimore Are Trusted By The Regions Most Valued Businesses.
Our Baltimore Videography Services are on the front lines of Video Production, marketing, and advertising. They are content creators, visionaries, and storytellers. Without knowledgeable videographers, your production suffers. There are hundreds of vendors that “shoot” video. However, finding the right professional with the experience needed can be challenging.
- News events
- Commercial Spots
- PR
- Documentaries
- Video News Releases
- Travel video
- Medical shoots
Our Videography Services have been featured in Network News and Production Services for decades. We have been the eyes of history for numerous news outlets covering world and national news. Presidential campaigns, national court cases, natural disasters and professional sports are just a small list of credits we claim. Having the ability to work independently or as a team is just as important as having state of the art HD camera gear. We offer a full complement of the latest HD cameras, audio techs, and lighting grips.
Top Brands Trust Our Corporate Videographers in Baltimore
Our Corporate Videographers in Baltimore are Emmy winners, Murrow award recipients, and White House Press Photographers. We have traveled the world and sat with Presidents. We have documented tragedy, the beauty of the human spirit and some of the most poignant images of our time. Now we bring that experience to you.
Foundation Digital Media worked with General Dynamics to produce a training video and the experience was beyond measure. The FDM video team were extremely professional, flexible, and patient, and instrumental in ensuring we created an engaging final product.
General Dynamics
We’ve worked with Foundation Digital Media on several projects over the last couple of years and the experience has always been exceptional. The creativity, professionalism and quality of their work is outstanding. This was my first experience working with a video team and I will never use anyone else.
We just recently worked with Foundation Digital Media to shoot and edit a video vignette. The customer service we received was truly top-notch. The video looks amazing and was delivered on a very tight deadline. They are true professionals every step of the way. FCM is looking forward to working with them again!
Family Circle Magazine
This is literally the first thing most people ask.
Itʼs a great question obviously but difficult to answer without a detailed vision of your goals.
We like to use a home building analogy. What kind of home do you want us to build? Single family, townhome or condo? What extras would you like inside?
A lot is dependent on your budget and style. Be open, communicate what you have to work with. Often we are able to match expectations with an understanding of your budget. Most importantly, always remember cost has nothing to do with production value!
Video production is exciting and cool. Lights, camera...well you know the next line. This is why we ultimately got into this business years and years ago. Itʼs a lot of fun. We want that to convey in every project that we do. Thereʼs nothing worse than working with a crew that thinks theyʼre a little too cool for the room.
Obviously, some subjects are more sensitive than others, but we want to make the experience an enjoyable one.
Act like the camera's not there...
This can certainly seem easier said than done, but it really is that simple. People look their best in video when they seem at ease, relaxed and natural. Itʼs too easy to sense unease and anxiety through the camera. Memorizing responses is also a big no no. Just talk about things youʼre already knowledgeable about. Mess up? Fine, we just start over...no biggie!
The only way to avoid it is to really try to trick your mind that the camera really isnʼt there at all, youʼre just talking to the interviewer like youʼre having a conversation with a friend. There are situations where we can strip down the gear and use a light footprint so the set can be a little less intimidating. We havenʼt lost anyone yet!
Typically, a standard project can be turned around in 7-10 business days from last day of filming. Weʼre only as fast as the approval process allows but this window of time is a pretty good starting point depending on size of the project and number of videos needed.
Typically weʼll back up the raw files and keep them for a year. Often times clients will want to freshen up a project, add content and build from the original. This is a great example of ROI when using a professional video production company.