Small Business Training Video As A Learning Tool
You’re sitting at your desk asking yourself how you can improve the way that your employees perform. You consider all of the resources that you’ve invested in employee training and development. You think about the senior workers and managers who have given their time repeatedly to demonstrating tasks to new and struggling workers. It’s easy to recall the many times that they have complained about how training keeps them from performing their own duties. You want a new solution, and suddenly it dawns on you. It’s time to make a small business training video. Before you make this important investment, consider what it will mean to workers and how useful it will be in the future. The truth is that quality video production doesn’t come cheap, and it’s not an easy process. Leveraging the experience of a professional video company is essential.
Communicating Concepts and Values or Teaching Routines
Before you invest in a small business training video, craft a concrete purpose for this video project. As a cautious business owner with limited resources, you may conduct a cost-benefit analysis that will justify an investment in video production. Take a step back from the entire project for a moment and decide what employees should take away from the video. Will you communicate concepts and values that are essential to your brand? Will you teach them a new routine, such as how they should communicate with customers during the sales pitch? Will you incorporate a few minutes on company values and then share a new initiative that is in the works? These are the kinds of questions that could keep you up at night. Otherwise, you wouldn’t want to invest money in a training video.
Employees Aren’t Productive Machines Without the Right Resources
Another way to look at whether it’s time to invest in making a small business training video is that it’s the employer’s job to help employees learn. Today’s employees will be more successful because of their adaptability to their industry. It’s not about the knowledge that they may have now; it’s about their ability to learn what they might need to know in the near future. This includes learning information that is not directly linked to their duties or tasks. When you develop a training video, you are essentially telling a story and highlighting the actions that you want employees to remember. So, if you’re going to change how employees pitch prospects face-to-face, a training video might be just what you need.
Plan for the Future
While some businesses decide to develop a small business training video for a short-term project, others want video content to remain relevant to their future employees. They take video production as seriously as they would investment in a new software application. You may decide only to invest in one training video each year, and that is okay. When you begin to see results from expertly-produced training videos, you may increase your video demand, using content in other ways in your organization. Consider your company’s short-term and long-term needs for video content and then hire a video firm to create a series of videos that fits your budget. Videos don’t have a shelf-life because you can roll them out when needed. If you stay with the same firm, it’s easy for us to take outdated video content and rework it into future projects, which saves you on some production costs (i.e. shooting live video).
We want to help your employees increase their productivity and help them understand your company’s core values and business propositions. You could choose an amateur to develop video for any purpose, but it will have limited use for your targeted audience, especially employees who are well-trained and in need of some fine-tuning. For more details on the costs of video production, please contact us today.