Corporate Video Tips to look your best
For many corporate professionals, filming a marketing video is the first time they will appear on screen in an official capacity. For those unaccustomed to the camera, there are two critical, but often overlooked, parts of preparing to make a corporate video: selecting the right outfit for the camera and how to relax while filming.
The importance of the right outfit
Clothing choices are valuable for making the video a success. Here are four guidelines that we always offer at our Maryland video production company for you to keep in mind as you put together an outfit for the shoot.
- Certain colors– particularly blacks, whites, and reds– can make those on camera look washed out or otherwise unclear
- Companies often want to use the videos for years to come, which means the outfit should be relatively timeless
- Jewelry that bangs together will be picked up by the microphones and should be avoided
- Clothing will too many patterns can draw attention away from the subject and the speaker
Learning how to relax on camera
Body language and learning how to act naturally and at ease on camera also will impact how well the viewer is able to form a connection with the subject. There are a few techniques that you can use to relax so that you can speak naturally and calmly, perfectly communicating the desired message.
Watch your breathing
Taking deep breaths before the camera starts rolling can help you relax your nerves. As you film, be mindful of taking regular breaths to pace yourself to avoid speaking too quickly and jumbling your words together.
Imagine the camera is a friend or another friendly face
You want your words and body language to communicate warmth, the same way you naturally do when you speak to those you care about. Try to imagine that you are speaking to a trusted friend and telling him all about your business. At the same time, do not get too casual with your speech. You still want to avoid slang.
Rely on your expertise
If you are creating a video to represent your company, it is because you are a trusted authority in your industry. You have the knowledge to answer the questions in an informative way, so be confident. Imagine the way you speak to customers personally when they ask you a question and use that to guide your answers on camera.
Preparing to make a corporate video can feel nerve-wracking for those unaccustomed to appearing on camera. Fortunately, taking the time to adequately prepare can help subjects feel confident before they walk in front of the camera and can help make the video shoot a positive experience for all. Keep our video tips in mind and get started creating a fantastic marketing video